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会社概要/Company information

会社名  株式会社赤名酒造
代表者  代表取締役社長 三島崇暁
所在地  〒690-3511 島根県飯石郡飯南町赤名23番地

電話   0854-76-2016
法人番号 8280003000557
登録番号 T8280003000557
Email    akanasakebrewing■vega.ocn.ne.jp
保有拠点 タイ王国バンコク事務所

代理店  島根県浜田市 亀谷窯業有限会社 酒器、食器 正規代理店

顧問弁護士 弁護士法人岡野法律事務所 

Akana Sake Brewing Corporation

President Mishima Takaaki

Head office

23, Akana, Iinan-Town, Iishi-District, Shimane Pref,


Bangkok Office in Thailand



島根県飯南町大規模改修の施設使用開始 2014年11月

酒蔵では島根県初 工場内全灯LED化   2014年11月 

酒蔵では島根県初 純米蔵化       2014年11月

酒蔵では全国初  タイバンコク事務所開設 2017年10月

酒蔵では島根県初 マイナス10℃ファインコールドシステム導入 2017年12月

1929年 政府の、小規模清酒製造事業家の経営力強化の政策のもと、近隣の3蔵が合併し赤名酒造合名会社設立。豪商であり、設立時多くの資金を提供した現島根県飯南町来島の 杤木傳一郎 が初代代表社員(社長)となった。銘柄を「絹乃峰」と命名。

2004年 高い技術力から長年大手酒造メーカーの下請けとして、繁栄を極めた。1980年代後半から、大手メーカーが自社工場設備を強化し下請けメーカーから原酒を購入する必要がなくなった。他の多くの小規模の清酒蔵と同様経営が立ち行かなくなり、酒蔵の不動産(建屋、土地)を当時の赤来町が買い取り町有化。蔵の存続は有志により行うこととなった。

2014年 10年間有志により経営を行ってきたが、販売不振により他社から原酒を買い入れて販売するようになり、ほとんど製造は行わなくなった。そして日本酒を取り巻く環境はさらに悪化。赤名酒造合名会社の継続を断念。


2016年 国内、海外に営業強化。タイに輸出開始。飯南町長、在タイ日本国大使館一等書記官、取引銀行取締役、現地代理店、取引先飲食店をお招きし、タイの首都バンコクで盛大に「新商品発表会」を開催した。

2020年 2017年11月、2018年11月、に続き2020年2月と3度連続し在タイ日本国大使館より「天皇誕生日レセプション」に出展要請をいただきタイの首都バンコクにて出展。タイの大臣、高官、各国大使に日本酒絹乃峰を提供。大きな反響を得た。

2022年11月 コロナ禍で中断していた海外への輸出再開。株式会社赤名酒造設立から累計10,000本の日本酒輸出を達成。

2022年12月 輸出10,000本記念式典を株式会社赤名酒造本店にて開催。在タイ日本国大使館梨田和也大使より映像でのご祝辞を頂戴し、政府、県、町関係者をお招きした。

2023年4月 2023年11月に10周年の節目を迎えるため、新商品の発売、全商品のラインアップ変更を2年かけて行うプロモーションを開始。第1弾、新商品「 純米吟醸飯南米720ml 」 1,500本がECサイトで即完売し、大きな反響を得た。

2023年7月 10周年記念プロモーション第2弾「 純米大吟醸五拾 720ml 」「プレミアム純米大吟醸五拾高田木工所製作組子細工杉箱入り720ml」を新発売、「 純米大吟醸五拾 720ml 」1本5,000円が1,000本、「プレミアム純米大吟醸五拾高田木工所製作組子細工杉箱入り720ml」は1本50,000円が20本完売した。

2023年9月 タイ王国の首都バンコクの在タイ日本国大使館梨田和也全権大使を表敬訪問。昨年の輸出10,000本記念式典の際ご祝辞をいただいた御礼、株式会社赤名酒造設立10周年にあたり、設立当初より支援していただいている御礼を申し上げた。また10周年第2弾プロモーションで完売した、「プレミアム純米大吟醸五拾高田木工所製作組子細工杉箱入り720ml」を記念品として贈呈した。

2024年1月 海外への直送サービス「 Kinuchan Direct international 」を開始。ECサイトから、また株式会社赤名酒造店頭から海外の消費者や、贈り物として日本酒を直送できるようになった。多くの反響を得ている。

Facility use started after major renovation in Iinan Town, Shimane Prefecture, November 2014 First in Shimane Prefecture’s sake breweries: Full LED lighting in the factory, November 2014

First in Shimane Prefecture’s sake breweries: Pure rice brewery, November 2014

First in the country’s sake breweries: Opening of an office in Bangkok, Thailand, October 2017

First in Shimane Prefecture’s sake breweries: Introduction of a ー10℃ fine chilled system, December 2017

In 1929, under the government’s policy to strengthen the management of small-scale sake brewers, three neighboring breweries merged to establish the Akana Sake Brewery Partnership. Denichiro Tochigi, a wealthy merchant who provided a large amount of capital at the time of establishment and was from Kijima, Iinan Town, Shimane Prefecture, became the first representative member (president). The brand was named “Kinunomine”.

In 2004, the brewery prospered for many years as a subcontractor for major sake manufacturers due to its high technical capabilities. From the late 1980s, major manufacturers strengthened their own factory facilities and no longer needed to purchase raw sake from subcontractors. Like many other small-scale sake breweries, the business became unmanageable, and the town of Akana bought the real estate (buildings, land) of the brewery and made it town-owned. The survival of the brewery was to be carried out by volunteers.

In 2014, the business had been run by volunteers for 10 years, but due to poor sales, they started buying raw sake from other companies and selling it, and hardly any production was done. The environment surrounding sake deteriorated further. The continuation of the Akana Sake Brewery Partnership was abandoned.

A new management team acquired the shares of the Akana Sake Brewery Partnership, abolished it, and established “Akana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.”. The aging brewery was extensively renovated by Iinan Town into a hygiene management facility that also meets overseas standards, and a new start was made. To break away from the traditional low-profit, low-price competition, it became a “pure rice brewery” that only manufactures pure rice sake using high-quality rice mainly produced in Iinan Town.

In 2016, sales were strengthened domestically and overseas. Exports to Thailand began. The mayor of Iinan Town, the First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, the director of the trading bank, the local agent, and the trading restaurant were invited to hold a “New Product Presentation” in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

In 2020, following November 2017 and November 2018, we were invited to exhibit at the “Emperor’s Birthday Reception” by the Embassy of Japan in Thailand for the third consecutive time in February 2020 and exhibited in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. We provided Kinunomine sake to Thai ministers, senior officials, and ambassadors from various countries. We received a great response.

In November 2022, exports to overseas, which had been suspended due to the Corona disaster, resumed. Akana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. achieved a total of 10,000 bottles of sake exports since its establishment.

In December 2022, a ceremony to commemorate the export of 10,000 bottles was held at the head office of Akana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. We received a congratulatory message on video from Kazuya Nashida, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, and invited government, prefectural, and town officials.

In April 2023, in anticipation of the 10th anniversary in November 2023, we started a promotion to release new products and change the lineup of all products over two years. The first installment, the new product “Junmai Ginjo Iinanmai 720ml”, sold out immediately on the EC site with 1,500 bottles, and received a great response.

In July 2023, the second installment of the 10th anniversary promotion, “Junmai Daiginjo Goju 720ml” and “Premium Junmai  Daiginjo Goju Takada  Crafted Lattice Crafted Cedar Box 720ml” were newly released. “Pure Rice Daiginjo Goju 720ml” sold out with 1,000 bottles at 5,000 yen per bottle, and “Premium Junmai Daiginjo Goju Takada Mokkousho Crafted Lattice Crafted Cedar Box 720ml” sold out with 20 bottles at 50,000 yen per bottle.

In September 2023, I paid a courtesy visit to Kazuya Nashida, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, in Bangkok, the capital of the Kingdom of Thailand. I expressed my gratitude for the congratulatory message I received at the export 10,000 bottles commemorative ceremony last year, and my gratitude for the support I have received since the establishment of Akana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. on the occasion of the 10th anniversary. I also presented the “Premium Pure Rice Daiginjo Goju Takada Mokkousho Crafted Lattice Crafted Cedar Box 720ml”, which sold out in the second installment of the 10th anniversary promotion, as a commemorative gift.

In January 2024, we started the “Kinuchan Direct International” direct delivery service to overseas. From the EC site and the storefront of Akana Sake Brewing Corporation we can now directly deliver sake to consumers overseas and as gifts. We are receiving a lot of responses.






Kinunomine will spread its wings as KINUNOMINE in the world. The brand logo will be in two versions: an alphabetic version for Europe and North America, and an alphabetic "O" in the center of the logo that resembles the Japanese flag to emphasize the Japanese product from an aesthetic standpoint.

People in the region who can read Kanji often say that the name "Kinunomine" is beautiful. We believe that the name "Kinunomine" will have a better image than that of Japan. The word "Kinunomine" comes from the smooth mist or haze that hangs over nearby Mount Kinukake, meaning a sake with a smooth mouthfeel.

It is also well received by people from overseas.